Saturday, January 25, 2014

A Very Rare Photo Indeed

Spontaneous Morning Photo Shoot

Have you ever tried to take a photo of five small children all smiling at the same?  

I try all the time...  
I am not sure what made today's attempt a success.  
Maybe it was the combination of me doing back flips while dad did the clicking, 
or maybe the children were just so happy they couldn't help themselves. 
I don't really care - I'm just overjoyed to have a photo of the five of them. 
I used my Canon T3I with the following settings...
Lens: EF 18mm-55mm
Exposure: 1/60 at f /5.6 
ISO: 400
Flash : On camera

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Welcome to my blog

Here you will find a variety of topics based on my attempt to take excellent photos.  I recently bought a Canon T3i.   I don't get it out half as much as I would like.  When I do take a photo with it I wonder how I could ever be content with cell phone photos.

I have 5 children - so you can guess what most of my photos are about ;-).

I have an on going contest with my husband.  He has generously offered to buy me a new accessory for my camera when I take 100 "Golden Moment" shots or amazing photographs.   I believe I have four at this point (I'm hoping to fudge or dwindle the number down from 100).  The picture above is my first golden moment. 

I also want to use this blog as a way to connect with other mothers.  So please feel free to comment.